Everyone, meet Lucy!
LUCY is a bubbly, optimistic and fun girl who is currently studying in NUS. She loves meeting new people. Despite her enthusiasm in widening her social circle, she never forgets her old friends, especially a group of girlfriends that she was very close to during her secondary school days. She regards everyone as her best friends and has no archenemies because she doesn’t like to pick favors or rank her friends. However, she tends to keep her feelings to herself and is a very sensitive person. She was also shy and prefers being a wallflower as she doesn’t like to stick out. After graduation, Lucy would text-messaged her friends, asking them out for dinner. Much to her surprise, everyone is always busy. She always jokes that the only time they will ever meet is during her funeral. Of all her friends, she was the only one who made it to university.
Say hello Ethel!
ETHEL is one of the Lucy’s secondary school friends. She managed to get into an ITE and complete her nursing diploma. Ethel was very competitive back in her school days. She would try means and ways to beat Lucy in everything. This includes boys, sports, studies and even being the teacher’s pet. She has even resort to hacking into Lucy’s email to see who Lucy is going out with. Not surprisingly, she would always come out top because Lucy can’t be bothered with such trivial matters. Years later, Lucy got to know that Ethel is dating her distant cousin.
All The Fuss!
About 6 months ago, Ethel wanted to borrowed money from Lucy and she readily agreed. After that, whenever Lucy text-messaged Ethel regarding having dinner together with the rest, Ethel has never failed not to reply. She avoided Lucy like a plague. Lucy’s instinct tells her that maybe Ethel is worried that she might pester her about the money issue. However, it has never crossed Lucy’s mind as she is not in need of money. At the same time, Lucy is also wondering why are the rest of the girls avoiding her too?
Recently, Lucy found out that Ethel is getting married to her distant cousin. Lucy was shocked and bothered that she wasn’t invited to Ethel’s wedding. All of them made a pact in secondary school that they would be there for each other during memorable moments like this. Could it be that Ethel was trying to avoid Lucy? If she did, then it would be her over-sight as Lucy will be invited since she is related to her husband-to-be. In no time, Lucy gets an invitation from the groom’s side.
The Dilemma!
Should Lucy go to the wedding and if she does, how should she face Ethel without sharing an awkward moment with her?
Should Lucy continue to try to keep in contact with Ethel and the rest of the girls or move along?
Lucy and Ethel from ‘I LOVE LUCY’.
I loved this show when I was a kid.