Friday, October 17, 2008


“You? A Maths student? You have got to be kidding, right!”

That’s the common reaction whenever I correct all my new friends about my major. My initial reaction to them was either a back-handed insult (‘What? Do I look like someone who could not han dle complicated theorems?!’) or a compliment; given that studying mathematics in NUS is no easy feat. Well, I guess this week’s blog post may give an insight into my very quirky world. So here goes…

I am a year 3 NUS undergraduate pursuing a degree in Applied Mathematics. I would like to be in the tourism and travel sector where I would be able to incorporate two primary interests of mine - travel and business. I am drawn towards numbers and the major role it plays in our everyday life. Studying Mathematics has trained me to be more analytical and logical in problem solving, with a disciplined and perseverance attitude.

I have an interest in the theatre and indie music scene; and am currently a publicity manager of an independent theatre company. I am able to exercise some managing and interpersonal skills on all the people that I have met and worked with.Besides backpacking and art, I enjoy photography and is currently experimenting with a Holga. I am an extrovert, outgoing, quirky person with a zeal for life.

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Joyce said...

Hi Ilya, your biodata is an interesting one! It does give the reader the impression that you are a bubbly and peoples' person. Also, I like your attitude towards Maths! But anyway, maybe you could talk a bit about your achievements? By the way, pardon me for my ignorance, but what is a Holga?

Illya Nafiza said...

Yeah, I initially wrote some achievements but I was trying to cut my biodata to 100 words and i guess i cut pretty much lots of stuff.

Ah! A Holga is that colourful Lomo camera that I'm holding in the picture. Its a good conversation starter and I have guy friends who wants to meet my Holga thinking that it is a hot Greek woman.

Chong Guan said...

Hi Jenny! Oh, I mean Hi Illya! Haha! I don't mean to be lame but that "song" on your blog was hilarious! It made me laughed till my tummy hurts! Anyway, back to your post, generally I think it gives the reader a clear picture of your personality and where your interest lies. I would agree with Joyce that perhaps you should mention some achievements because as all of us know, in Singapore, everyone has to show and quantify who we are by such things. Great post nonetheless. I still love that "song"!

Gary Ng said...

Hi Illya,I think your biodata is great except for the achievements which are not mention. Other than that, it was interesting as I am able to know your interests and some of the personality traits that you possess.

Illya Nafiza said...

NOTED! I guess not putting in the achievements was a fumble on my part. Will do so!

CG: You like this song too! FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS makes me laugh till my insides hurt. You should check out their other songs. Its hilarious.
They even won the Grammy for Best Comedy Album. Their mini- series are shown on HBO every Wednesday night at 10.30pm. =)

Zhi Lian said...

Hi there Illya, I would say that a 100-word biodata is a challenging constraint especially if one has a lot of details and descriptions to include inside. Well, I guess in the end for this particular blog posting, we can only put in those we think are the best and leave out the rest. It is like you win some, you lose some.

Anyway after reading what you have written, the impression I get is that you are a person who is really passionate about the arts, travel and mathematics, just like Miranda who is passionate with piano/music. It is good to see that your interests can span across the area of arts to the area of science, which I suppose it is a form of versatility and adaptability.

In addition, I can see that you have decided to integrate your interests with your career next time, which is good because it is always nice to be able to do what you really enjoy doing even if it is on a regular daily basis. Moreover, I think the character traits that you had mentioned would suit you well for your future endeavours.

Anonymous said...

Well, my computer can't play the music right, so i don't get to enjoy the funny funny song according to chong guan.

You are a publicity manager of an independent theatre company?!! Impressive! Impressive! That must be a challenge to cope studies with work!

Though many people say the academic course you are taking should have certain contribution to the job you are applying for, personally, I feel that if there is really no link between the two, there is no need to mention about their correlation.Many of us just found our true interest interest during the university studies.

grace kim said...

Hi Illya, I can see you have a myriad of interests ranging from the very logical like Maths and business to the very artistic like music, art and photography. A very interesting biodata indeed!